Plan, Respond, Protect: New Extreme Weather Management eBook for Solar Power Plant Developers, Owners and Operators

The solar industry has made strides in improving its design and adaptation practices to deal with extreme weather events, but more can and must be done. Given the increasing prevalence of nontraditional, nonmodeled “natural catastrophe,” or NatCat events, with their potential to inflict tens of millions of dollars in damages to utility solar plants, extreme weather management tools must be deployed to reduce these asset risks.

One important way to manage extreme weather is through the use of smart, well-engineered solar trackers, which can alter panel orientation before or during weather events, incorporate intelligent stowing, and utilize enhanced weather event management software. Such tracker systems, when used in combination with appropriate PV panel technology selection and well-defined plant operational practices, offer the best path to mitigating the extremes of Mother Nature.

A new eBook details how Nextracker’s NX HorizonTM trackers and NX NavigatorTM software offer the preeminent solution for extreme weather management for utility solar plants. The combination arms plant operators with advanced operational tools and stowing capabilities to manage their solar assets before, during, and after severe weather events.

NX Horizon’s fast, active stowing capabilities do not depend on grid power, and the tracker’s variety of stowing strategies can be configured for different types of events. NX Navigator’s real-time operational control and monitoring tools adapt to site-specific factors and can be incorporated into the system operator’s overall weather event preparation and response plans.

Download the ebook for more information.

Please also download our other extreme weather risk mitigation resources:

  1. White Paper Risk Mitigation I
  2. White Paper Risk Mitigation II
  3. White Paper Designing for the wind