Nextracker Agrivoltaics: An AgriPV solution specifically designed to enhance agricultural practices and preserve biodiversity.

When solar power plants are designed to meet the unique needs of arable land, AgriPV can provide farming communities with numerous benefits, such as reduced water usage, crop protection, and job creation. The synergistic benefits also mean improved solar production.

Built on Nextracker’s proven and bankable NX Horizon platform, Nextracker Agrivoltaics is a solar tracking solution that offers even more value to the AgriPV sector. By using the industry’s most configurable tracker system, our AgriPV solution takes advantage of the terrain-following NX Horizon XTR configuration to reduce costly earthwork and preserve the health and quality of topsoil. Combined with proven independent row architecture, it also provides the industry’s most robust and smartest sensing, communications, and software technology so field operators and landowners can stow modules for harvesting, O&M, or cattle grazing.

Landowners and project developers using Nextracker’s Agrivoltaics solution benefit from cutting-edge research on best practices for inter tracker row plant growth and use of heavy farm equipment, plus other topics explored by Nextracker and the Flex Institute of Technology at our Center for Solar Excellence in Sorocaba, Brazil. With our AgriPV solution, you can also make use of our project design services to optimize plant layout for farming applications.

Learn more about the fast-growing segment of AgriPV and the long-term value that delivers to various stakeholders, including rural communities, by downloading the Nextracker Agrivoltaics datasheet today.

Watch the Agrivoltaics video here.