Ojjo Earth Truss Foundation System: Innovative Solar Foundations for Challenging Terrain

As the solar industry accelerates and project complexity increases, the need for innovative solutions to address diverse ground conditions has become more important.

Nextracker’s patented Ojjo Earth Truss® System, part of NX Foundation Solutions, excels in challenging soils like hard rock, offering an efficient, robust, and cost-effective alternative to traditional foundations. Coupling a resilient truss structure with automated installation, Ojjo integrates seamlessly with Nextracker’s single-axis trackers, streamlining engineering and procurement while overcoming the most difficult ground conditions.

Ojjo Earth Truss foundation system eliminates the need for pre-drilling in addition to these key benefits:

  • Cut cost and construction time
  • Reduce project risk
  • Integrated tracker and foundation system

Learn more about how the innovative design of the Ojjo Earth Truss Foundation System reduces grading and improves long-term stability by downloading the datasheet today.